Applicants can choose to donate at least €1 million to a higher education institution operated by a public foundation entrusted with the fulfilment of public tasks

  • Visa applicants must declare their intention to hold or acquire one of the above investments. Ownership of the investment is not required at the application stage. From the time of entry into
  • Hungary with a guest investor visa, a three-month window is provided for the realization of the investment.
  • The applicant must provide evidence of a legitimate source of funds for the investment, which must be accessible or transferable in Hungary. This requirement applies to future investments, not to those already made.
  • The Hungarian government sets criteria for the proof of medical and financial security of third-country nationals.
  • Applicants must not be listed in the Schengen Information System (SIS), be expelled, have an entry ban or pose a threat to public order, security, national security or public health in Hungary. The immigration authority consults the Hungarian law enforcement authorities and the national security authorities to obtain their opinion on the visa application.
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